Well, it's Thanksgiving 2020, and while this year's complete fuckery is causing everyone to celebrate a little bit differently (for some, it's a controversial day to celebrate to begin with), for me, having a thankful and grateful heart is the one thing that remains constant … and Thanksgiving day football of, course. With that said, I'd like to take this opportunity to list what I am forever grateful for, in no particular order. So, here it goes...
My son, Parker
My Mom, brother and sister-in-law, Riley
My extended family ( in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.)
That Dave chose to share the life he had here on Earth with me
The time I was able to spend with my Dad before he passed
My dogs, Maggie and Scout
That Parker has been seizure-free for over two years
A roof over my head
A job that pays the bills and keeps food on the table
A great group of coworkers
Friends, old and new
My health and wellness
That I finally started this blog this year
Hot yoga
Kachigian House Cleaning Services
My meditation practice
Music that moves my soul
First responders and frontline workers
Laughing until my stomach hurts
When the leaves start to change colors
Cider and donuts
Michigan football
Going to the lake
Playing softball
A comfy bed to sleep in
Plexus, for the healthy supplements they provide and the fact that it gives me a little additional income
The forward progress I have made with my life since Dave passed
Grief support service organizations like New Hope Center for Grief Support and Sandcastles
Family traditions, like making pierogi for Christmas
Concerts, live DJ sets, etc.
Dancing the night away to loud music
Trips up north
Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows on cold nights
I could keep going on and on, but I think you get the idea. From big to small, I have so much to be grateful for and I will always view this day as an opportunity to reflect on everything I have even, more than I already do.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!